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Hessische Bibliothekssystem (HeBIS)
Title: Hessische Bibliothekssystem (HeBIS)
Type: Library
Description: The Hessische Bibliothekssystem HeBIS is the electronic information and service union of academic libraries in Hessen and parts of the Rhineland Palatinate and is one of the six regional library unions in Germany. The organisation of HeBIS is integrated in the university structure of the State of Hessen. Central organisation is at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main along with the UB Johann Christian Senckenberg.

The organisational unit HeBIS-Verbundzentrale (HeBIS VZ) includes www_ Dienste' as library service centre and 'HeBIS Information Technology' (HeBIS IT) as technical services for the union.
Publisher: HeBIS-Verbundzentrale
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