Title: | Serials(National Assembly Library of Korea)/국회도서관(연속간행물목록) |
Type: | Library |
Description: | 주로 인문·사회과학 분야의 자료로 구성되어 있으며, 100만 권 이상의 단행본 이외에 미 의회 발행 청문회 자료, 상임위원회자료 및 회의록 등을 포함한 주요국의 의회자료와 각국의 헌법·법령집, 정부간행물 등을 소장. 국제기구 기탁도서관으로서 UN 및 UN 전문기구와 WTO 등에서 간행한 각종 자료를 수집·정리하여 제공. The National Assembly Library has two major functions. As a parliamentary library, NAL provides impartial, accurate, and up-to-date information services to the members of the National Assembly promptly and confidentially. Since 1998, the Library’s function expanded to servicing our resources to the general public. Today, NAL is a leading public library in terms of collection, reference, and reader services. |
Keywords: | 국회도서관 국회전자도서관 연속간행물목록 |
Publisher: | 국회도서관 |
Address: | National Assembly Library, Yeouido-dong ,Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea |
Telephone/Fax: | 82-02-788-4143 |
Transportation: | Via Subway : The closest subway station to the library is the Yeouido Station on subway line #5 exit 3. From the station visitors may use the National Assembly Shuttle Bus services to and from the library. ☞ Yeouido Station (Line#5) - Shuttle Bus : exit 3, the shuttle bus stop is 100m ahead at HP building - Other Buses : exit 5, take 162, 261, 262, 461, 7007-1, 9409 ☞ Yeouinaru Station (Line#5) exit 2 : 5615, 5618, 6633, 7007-1, 61 [Shuttle Bus Services] → Service Hours : 09:00 - 16:00 (Mon-Fri) → Interval : 20 minutes ※ There is no service at 12:20, 12:40, and on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays. Other Bus Line - National Assembly Library : 5615, 5618, 5711, 6633, 1002, 1008 - Hyundai Capital Services, Inc. : 263, 362, 461, 5711, 6623, 1002 - Kookmin Bank : 162, 262, 263, 461, 5711, 7007-1, 9409 - Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs : 162, 261, 362, 363, 5711, 7613, 1008, 61 [Yeouido Transportation Center] ※ 10 minutes walk from the Transportation Center to the Library - #1 : 11-1, 11-2, 301, 320, 5601 - #2 : 160, 162, 260, 261, 262, 360, 461, 5012, 5615, 5618, 5623, 6630, 6633 - #3 : 160, 260, 360, 362, 363, 461, 600, 661,, 5012, 6623, 6628 - #4: 88, 905 |
Disabled transport: | The National Assembly Library of Korea is equipped with facilities to assist individuals www_ visit more convenient. Wheelchairs Wheelchairs are available at the circulation desk. Please inquire at the information desk at the visitor entrance for any assistance. Print Magnifying Equipment and Vocalizer This equipment is available in the Main Research Hall on the first floor for individuals with sight disabilities. For any assistance, please contact the circulations desk. |