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Charles University Praga
Title: Charles University Praga
Type: Library
Description: Charles University in Prague is the oldest and largest university in the Czech Republic. The University in Prague was founded by a charter issued on 7 April 1348 by Charles IV, King of Bohemia and King of the Romans, as the first Studium generale north of the Alps and east of Paris. Charles University offers a wide range of information and advisory services, including library services and access to e-resources (such as electronic journals). University libraries remain an important source of information not only for students, but also for members of the public. The Central Catalogue of Charles University libraries will help you find the publication or document you are looking for, giving details of where it is located and whether it is currently available. The University’s libraries also offer access to a wide range of electronic resources (e-resources), including many of the world’s most prestigious journals (through the University’s paid subscription to electronic versions).
Catalogo Unimarc
Il Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo, articolato nei due Poli umanistico-economico-giuridico e medico-scientifico-tecnologico, è l’insieme coordinato di 2 biblioteche centrali e 36 biblioteche di dipartimento, il cui patrimonio documentale è registrato nel catalogo collettivo di Ateneo (OPAC). Il Servizio automazione biblioteche (SAB) ne sviluppa e coordina le procedure gestionali automatizzate.
Catalogo Unimarc
Publisher: Charles University Praga
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