Database Details

Università di Udine

Alternative Name:   Università di Udine
Type:   Library
Description:   Initially founded as the Library of the Institute of Finance and Economics in 1989, it evolved along with the Faculty of Economics. As the Institute ceased and was replaced by the Economics Department, Finance Department, Statistics Department and the Law Department, the library grew into an Interdepartmental Centre which was founded in 1995. In 1999 the newborn Faculty of Law invested the Centre with the responsibility of managing its acquisitions; in 2011 the Centre became Biblioteca Economica e Giuridica.
The Library possesses books mainly on Economics, Business, Finance and Banking, Statistics, Sociology, Mathematics, History, Law and its collections are continuously increasing. It also possesses journals, electronic journals and online databases.
Publisher:   Università di Udine
Library Country:   Italy
Category/Subcategory:   Accounting and Business Administration / Economics
   Finanaces and Banking / General
   Finanaces and Banking / Banking
   Mathematics / General
   Mathematics / Statistics
   Social Sciences + Humanities / Sociology