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Digital Karl Barth Library
Title: Digital Karl Barth Library
Type: Index
Description: The collection features the entire corpus of Barth's Gesamtausgabe. Published under the TVZ imprint, this definitive edition of Barth's works in German currently comprises more than 40 volumes of sermons, letters, lectures, conversations, and academic writings. Also slated for inclusion in The Digital Karl Barth Library is Barth's magnum opus, the 14-volume Kirchliche Dogmatik. These works have been made available to Alexander Street Press through a special licensing arrangement with the TVZ.

The origins of the project date to a grant awarded to Princeton Theological Seminary in 2000 by the Lilly Endowment, Inc. for the purpose of preserving and compiling the works of Karl Barth. Working closely with the TVZ, Princeton Theological Seminary used the grant to digitize many of the texts that are now being made available on the Alexander Street Press platform.
The origins of the project date to a grant awarded to Princeton Theological Seminary in 2000 by the Lilly Endowment, Inc. for the purpose of preserving and compiling the works of Karl Barth. Working closely with the TVZ, Princeton Theological Seminary used the grant to digitize many of the texts that are now being made available on the Alexander Street Press platform.
Publisher: Alexander Street Press, L.L.C. and partners
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