Database Details

Réseau des bibliothèques de Suisse occidentale (RERO)

Alternative Name:   Network of libraries in Western Switzerland
Type:   Library
Description:   RERO REseau ROmand acronym refers to the network of libraries in Western Switzerland. Born, that more than twenty-five years, the spirit of cooperation of several major libraries now includes most academic, public, heritage and specialized cantons of Geneva, Fribourg, Jura, Neuchâtel, Valais and Vaud, as well as the Courts of Confederation. RERO manages a catalog of about 220 libraries serving 50,000 students 4 Chapman & Universities (Universities of Geneva, Fribourg, Lausanne and Neuchâtel), the Fachhochschule HES-SO and Universities of Teacher Education (Vaud , Valais, Fribourg and BEJUNE), and some 280,000 registered readers.
Publisher:   Réseau des bibliothèques de Suisse occidentale (RERO)
Search Hints:   No recupera más de 300 registros en una búsqueda.

Utilice preferentemente la búsqueda AVANZADA por palabras de autor, título, materia, etc.

No se puede buscar por año, ni por número de ISBN ni de ISSN.
Category/Subcategory:   All Categories / General