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Refdoc.fr (Article@INIST)
Title: Refdoc.fr (Article@INIST)
Type: Index
Description: As a digital scientific library, Inist-Cnrs has been helping researchers, engineers and information professionals with their work for the past 20 years by providing access to, referencing, distributing and archiving information. Access is provided through the creation of Refdoc, a document supply one-stop shop for users searching for copies of scientific and technical documents. Inist also provides portals which allow researchers to consult on line the major scientific journals and databases in each field of study. Referencing information is carried out through the production of bibliographic databases in the fields of Science, Technology, Medicine, the Humanities and Social Sciences. Distributing information through Inist’s platform dedicated to digital scientific publishing providing technical and editorial support for research laboratories. Finally Inist archives information to ensure the long-term storage of scientific data and journals.
Publisher: INIST Diffusion SA
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