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DAPHNE -General
Title: DAPHNE -General
Type: Index
Description: DAPHNE (Data in Archaeology, Prehistory and History on the Net) is a portal providing a single entry point to free subject-oriented bibliographic databases.
Subjects : Prehistory, Protohistory, Archaeology (from early human evidences to the industrial era), Sciences of Antiquity (all aspects : religion, politics, society, philosophy, economics, art, daily life, etc.) and History until the year 1000 on all continents.
Data Types : Bibliographic records covering international literature and resulting from the indexing and analysis of various types of documents (journal articles, books, conference proceedings, exhibits, theses, journals, electronic resources, etc). Records include keywords and abstracts (depending on the analysis specificity).
Special Features : The main idea behind this portal is to provide relevant answers to targeted queries through the use of precise and up to date indexing languages.
DAPHNE pools together data from three databases : BAHR, FRANCIS (Prehistory and Protohistory, Art and Archaeology files and part of the History and Science of Religion), FRANTIQ-CCI.
Publisher: CNRS
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