Database Details

고려대 소장자료 (단행본) / Korea Univ Catalog (Book)

Alternative Name:   고려대학교 소장자료
Type:   Library
Coverage:   1.Books
- Domestic 1,167,518
- Overseas 660,514
- Domestic 218,679
- Overseas 279,731
3.Theses 190,181
4.Chinese books 101,019
5.Non-book items 73,759
Language:   KOREAN
Link to Database Guide:
Copyright:   Copyright(C) 2009 Korea University Library All Rights Reserved
Library System:   XMLAS (Futurenuri)
Library Address:   Anam-dong, Seongbuk-gu
Library City:   Seoul
Library Postal code:   136-701
Library Country:   Republic of Korea
Library Telephone:   +82 2-3290-2784
   +82 2-3290-2784
   +82 2-3290-2783
Library Email:
Opening Hours URL:
Transportation:   From Seoul Station to Korea University
- Taxi: 20 minutes
- Subway: Seoul Station [Line #1] → Dongmyo (Transfer to Line #6) → Korea University or Anam (25 minutes)

From Yongsan Station to Korea University
- Taxi: 30 minutes
- Subway: Yongsan [Line #1] → Dongmyo (Transfer to Line #6) → Korea University or Anam (30 minutes)

Subway Exit Information
- Korea University [Line #6] Exit #1
- Anam (KU Medical Center) [Line #6] Exit #4,#2,#1

Buses stopping at Korea University
- World Cup Stadium: 1017, 144
- Sinseol-dong, Dongdaemun: 1147, 1216, 7211
- Cheongnyangni: 1216, 1147
Charging Policy:   Books may be renewed once, provided no hold has been placed
If the due date falls on a day when library is closed, it is due the next day
The loan period is subject to change during school recesses