Database Details

ULI - Israel Union List (MALMAD Israel Center for Digital Information Services)

Type:   Index
Description:   The Israel Union List (ULI) contains MARC21 format cataloging records from all the university libraries of Israel as well as the national library and many college and special libraries.
Cataloging is according to general Israeli standards in that Roman character works follow AACR2 (with some exceptions in Judaica) and Hebrew and Arabic works are cataloged in the original languages without romanization. A variety of classification and subject heading systems are found. There is no de-duping or authority control in ULI.
Publisher:   MALMAD Israel Center for Digital Information Services
Creator:   MALMAD Israel Center for Digital Information Services
Library System:   ALEPH (Ex Libris)
Library Country:   Israel
Category/Subcategory:   Accounting and Business Administration / General
   Computer Sciences / Information Systems
   All Categories / General